Syntropy Greek syn (together) and tropos (tendency) A deep, unifying, self-organizing force that is omnipresent in the universe, bringing a tendency towards energy concentration, order, organization and life, in contrast to entropy.
I started Syntropy Property because I have always been passionate about sustainable building solutions, a fascination with ancient and natural building materials and techniques. The entirety of activity in our global market economy is dependent upon surplus food, without which civilization as we know it would never have occurred. The abundance of crops comes from the fertility of the soil. I have for some time been passionate about permaculture, a system of growing food as a diverse ecosystem with zones from highly managed to wildnerness. One key concept of permaculture is the food forest, a jungle of diverse edible and supporting species with different canopies and layers, mostly perennial which when established can thrive without the need for constant human maintenance, similar to this is agroforestry or syntropic farming.
I was initially resistant to get into property investing, however I realised that there is so much value to be brought here and the capital raised from these investments can go towards establishing food forests which will enable the next generations to thrive. Investing is about growing value, but all value is dependent on our ecosystem. It's too easy to see humans as a destructive force, however with the concept of syntropy it's evident that we can enable more abundance, more value, more resilient, sustainable and self-managing ecosystems. Though this company is just launching, I hope that soon I will be able to use the value created to begin establishing food forests and also experiment with their economic viability. This is much more than just property investing, airbnb rentals or steadily making properties less toxic and more sustainable, this is about a legacy of abundance.
"Life in Syntropy" is the new short film from Agenda Gotsch made specially to be presented at COP21 - Paris.
The future starts with every seed. We know our long term vision, what is yours? How will you get there and why? Every person and company needs a purpose, we hope to make connections and collaborators on the way. Get in touch and stay updated with our social media platforms to see our progress!
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